Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Little miss decided to be good at her ultrasound today! We got a few good pictures of her!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

These are baby's pictures from our last ultrasound. It's been a while! These were from about 21 weeks! Her next one is set for Saturday November 22nd!!

Profile pictures!
Her little footprint

Legs & Feet

It's a girl!

Blowing bubbles!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Baby Shower

A long time ago, in a not so far away place...three best friends made a promise to each other. The promise was to throw each other the best darn baby showers possible. Today, Maggie & Nicole held true to their promise...and SO much more! It was more than I could have ever asked for or imagined, and we are so very grateful!

It was amazing to know that many people care and love us so much! Jim & I are so appreciative of every little & big gift...from little socks to high chairs and travel systems! Jim couldn't believe all the stuff I brought home. He said "I thought baby showers were about girly games and little gifts here and there. I had no idea we would get everything we need!" And though the girly games were fun (and a little intense at times :) We are all set for baby!

She (whose name has yet to be determined) has everything she could possibly need and want to have the best start! She will be one comfortable, well dressed, and very loved little girl! There were lots of pictures taken so as soon as I get those I will post them. Until then, here are some pictures of all the amazing gifts we received at the shower!
This is the cutest dress ever from aunt Nicole!

Just a few more outfits :)

The Diaper Cake of All diaper cakes! {Created by the fabulous Patty Metziere!}

Huge pile of babyness!

Somewhere under there is the stroller, carseat, highchair, pack-n-play, and baby spa tub!

And soooo much more!

Thank you everyone!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Here is her crib & baby bedding!

And her blanky...

And her little mobile
Her first animals...

Her Princess bear...every girl needs one!

A bunch of random stuff stashed under her changing table...and her books!

Her wardrobe so far :) She won't go naked!

[Getting Ready for Baby]

Only 10 weeks until our little one arrives! So because things are about to get crazy, we've decided to create this blog so we can keep in touch with everyone and share news & pictures all in one place! Don't worry, we will post LOTS of pictures!

As for names, we haven't really decided yet. So far we are leaning towards Calleigh Grace Carpas. Jim has pretty much given up on the fight! :)

She is one active little thing! She is always moving around, kicking, turning, and doing whatever she does in there! At the last ultrasound the tech said "This one is going to be a talker!" Apparently she was moving her mouth the whole time and it looked like she was talking. She was blowing lots of bubbles! The doctor said Thursday that all of our ultrasounds & tests have been "perfect" and "excellent." So that's a good thing!

We are getting her little nursery ready, one day at a time! One of these days we are going to paint it! (Jim keeps saying, "I'll do that next weekend.") :) At this rate she will be 5! Here are some pictures so far of her room...